Yap Session: Being A Fourth-Year Student in Japanese University

(Edward Cullen!)

    I still remember very clearly how I posted an entry here regarding some tips on getting scholarship after SPM, and a short sneak peek on how's it like to be attending Preparatory School to go to Japan... and fast forward I am already a fourth-year student here, which means my last year as an undergraduate student. If things go well with my final year project, I will graduate next spring; approximately in February or March 2025. 

    Honestly saying, I don't know about how university system in Malaysia works, but here in Japan, every university's system is different from the others. To start off, it is common that undergraduate needs at least four years (that's the same with Japan). But we have those requirements which need to be achieved in order to proceed the year of studies. Like for example, in my case, I need to pass Technical Drawing and also Lab Session during my second year to be a third-year student... If I were to fail these two subjects, I shall repeat the subject and unable to proceed to be a third-year student until I pass those. These requirements are actually torturing somehow, but... I must say, fun (hahaha)

    Oh, and we need to obtain at least a certain number of credits to be able to graduate, which I guess the same as Malaysia? Though, most of the universities here require their students to obtain like 120-ish credits for graduate. Mine is 124 credits. 
So, I made it to the fourth grade. 

Glad to be saying that I passed all the required subjects to be entering my fourth year and managed to obtain all the credits needed to graduate except for my research and presentation subject which I need to attend this semester (this year). Hence, my schedule for this semester and next semester will be very loose. But thing is, as I am already starting to do research for my Final Year Project (FYP), I try to show up every day to my research lab even though there is nothing to do on that day. People often address me as a hardworking one but I am doing the bare minimum ?? 

    So yeah. Two months in- it wasn't this busy actually, but I have mid-term presentation in less than two weeks, JLPT (did I mention I'll sit for N1 this July?) in a month, and also busy finding jobs and touching up my resume (??) Surprise !! I think the last one is a bit surprising, to me too because I didn't even dream about to settle down in Japan before. It just came to me like, poof! I woke up a day and decided to give it a try finding job here before actually coming back to Malaysia. Let's see how it goes, though.

    Being a fourth-year student in Japanese University means you should already have plans for your future. Either to go for job hunting, or to pursue Masters. For real. Everyone here is busy during their 4th year going for job hunting or taking extra subjects to cover their master's studies later.... Maybe I am a little bit fomo here that I end up decided to go for job hunting too LOL just kidding. 

Side note: fomo = fear of missing out

    Anyways, I had this conversation with my Japanese friend where she pointed out, "it will be such a waste for you (me) to be able to speak Japanese to this level but going back so soon and forget about this language". It actually hit me hard. I thought about that too. Which also one of the reasons I want to give it a try on finding job here. If I fail to get any offers, I will gladly come back home though hahaha. Why don't we try our luck? 

    But then, there are still a lot of things to be considered. Especially being away from your family for so long. Not gonna lie, I always make my time to visit them every semester break, but it is just.... being away thousands of kilometers away. So hard, I must say. Also, the loneliness of having less people to talk here. I mean, if we are to compare Malaysians in Japan and Malaysians in the UK.. I must say it is easier to find Malaysians living in the UK than Japan. (correct me if I'm wrong, though). The language... and culture too. But you know, I am up to any challenges, and I think it is better to gain some experiences working here before coming back, serving for my home. Tapi, tengok la macam mana sebab dah start job hunting pun lambat saya pun tak yakin untuk secure job sebelum graduasi huhu

    Think I talked too much this night. Wish me luck for my mid-term presentation (I'm going to do it in Japanese hihu) thank you for dropping by!

Have a nice day ahead! Or sweet dreams <3 

Yours sincerely, floostar.


  1. Studying abroad had always been my dream as a kid, especially when I was an A student during my school years - I thought I would make it easily. God had better plans for me, I guess, as it turns out that being away from home made me homesick often. I have so much respect for people who studying abroad as you started when you were just a kid, had to be independent of themselves. Good luck in completing your study! Konnichiwa~

    1. Konnichiwa~ Ah, homesick yes. I do feel it sometimes and it really takes time to adjust that feeling... It's okay, just always trust that God has better plans for all of us! Anyway, thank you for the words, really appreciate those <3

  2. Whowerzz!may Allah ease you life. Its not easy for us being afar from our family. Stay healthy!and keep smiling🥰

